Monday, December 22, 2008

Adventures: NY

The affects of weather are unpredictable. Google Directions predicted traveling to JFK airport from Newark could vary from 54 min. to 2 hrs. 56 min. w/traffic.

Anticipating hours of traffic jams due to bad weather on Sunday morning, I left for JFK airport 3.5 hrs early.

I've never driven thru the Lincoln Tunnel w/o some sort of traffic jam, except for Sunday morning. it was eerily, apocalyptically isolated; maybe 10 other cars and I breezed thru the tolls and into the tunnel.  Hit some red lights and slight traffic driving east on 36th St. towards Queens, but nothing bad.

While waiting at those red lights I people watched. Despite the bad weather elsewhere, Manhattan was mostly untouched; all kinds of people poured into the crosswalks and around the sidewalks. NY was bustling along on this "Black Sunday" before xmas.

Now that I commute daily into NY I see the city differently than when I was a NJ squab. No matter what kind of day you're having, you can never really feel alone in New York. Because space is at such a premium, the 18 million people that walk these streets live the majority of their lives in public, and even if you're only here for 8-10 hrs a day, you become part of that energy vibration. You can't ignore it. New York is a vibrant, living city. I feel the buzziness everyday when I step off the train at NY Penn.

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